Lett sounds like a clown talking to retarded children. Most condescending and belittling tone of voice. It took all my self-control to make it through the whole presentation.
i know there are many posts discussing the may money requesting televangalism...er... broadcast i mean!
but i wanted to start one where anyone can put what they have heard any non-exjw, non-apostate witnesses say good or bad about the broadcast.
i don't see how it can't rattle followers... but then again i might be surprised how they can twist things (2+2=5).
Lett sounds like a clown talking to retarded children. Most condescending and belittling tone of voice. It took all my self-control to make it through the whole presentation.
Dating the JW way and 'dating' the normally accepted way are 2 very totally different animals. Yes, as soon as you are found out, you will lose your publishing privileges and become 'marked' by them, bad association if you will. Are you up to this task?
Consider if the high is worth the pain, then proceed.
i know there are many posts discussing the may money requesting televangalism...er... broadcast i mean!
but i wanted to start one where anyone can put what they have heard any non-exjw, non-apostate witnesses say good or bad about the broadcast.
i don't see how it can't rattle followers... but then again i might be surprised how they can twist things (2+2=5).
In the Spanish congs I mingle in, not a peep about this nonsense. The vast majority of us are immigrants, so any extra goes to our families here in the USA or abroad or to help our follow-up generation do better than ourselves.
If those idiots in NY have spent incorrectly all the funds already given to them, then tough luck jerks! Have enough with all the contributions sent by the congs monthly and all the moneys sent every single time there is an assembly. Greedy bastards!
so, as well reported, the latest jw broadcasting show is all about giving money.
as far as the wt society goes they have been pretty candid about there not being enough funds to meet the expenditure.
there are plenty of views on if this is really the case or not but underlying this is why are they spending so much money?.
So we have no tithing, but are always asking for $$$. Same thing!!!
hey so i'm new on here.
just wanted to introduce myself.
in my 20's and was rasied one, and very popular among the jw community.
Just do not answer your door, or simply walk away without saying a word if approached in public. So many of us want just that reaction, I welcome it even.
A vast percentage of JWs do this busy work only to satisfy requirements of this religion. Believe me, I will never make another convert for this Org.
Knowing TTATT is the best!!!
its easy to look around and say if a singular all powerful were real he would stop the suffering of man and animal, a position i support.
however there is another even more basic premise i have pondered at times as well (im sure im not the first of course) : would any loving parent ever hide from their children?
consider it... our all knowing all loving father hides from us even though we cry out to know him.
I sure cannot understand this temperamental, maniacal deity; only pure speculations.
the may broadcast on tv.jw.org.
we need money!.
Well, they do have to pay lawsuit settlements, and the ones still pending plus any other future ones.
Nope! Me no give one more extra red cent! Only what is fair for the local expenses. Let the COs give half of all 'green handshakes' they receive weekly from the 'men worshippers' in the congs; that should suffice.
God needs money!!!
its easy to look around and say if a singular all powerful were real he would stop the suffering of man and animal, a position i support.
however there is another even more basic premise i have pondered at times as well (im sure im not the first of course) : would any loving parent ever hide from their children?
consider it... our all knowing all loving father hides from us even though we cry out to know him.
If the biblical account is correct on this issue, God is allowing humans the time to realize we need him. He has pulled back control, blessings, etc., which would have our lives and universe running the way he intended it.
Satan, his followers, and mankind wanted independence from the Creator. Okay, have independence, but it is not going to work! Of course, all this according to biblical notion.
Some day the creator will take back the power and things will be as originally designed. If this is so, I sure would like the opportunity to experience the divine plan for humanity.
Who really knows. One can only dream and speculate. Of one thing I feel certain, though: We humans have created most problems for ourselves and others; it is just easy put blame elsewhere.
i am sure that the gb does not care about the r&f jw.
it does not care about the organization collapsing overnight.. why do i say this?.
in 2013 the organization declared that the "faithful and discreet slave" consisted only of the seven member of the gb.
The very top echelon does not care. Why would they? Those few are set for what little life is left in them. However, there are many others underneath that better be interested in this real estate and publishing juggernaut. Their mere existence hangs in the balance of this Org making it, talking about all those 'GB helpers' and anyone else with the rank CO and above. Anyone whose sustenance depends on Mommy Org.
The rest of us have lived in this system, fending for ourselves and if this religion fails, we can sure figure out how to make it financially.